I have this real urge to jump to an entirely different part of my life, but let’s stay linear.
As I said, I joined the Air Force, primarily to get the money to go back to college.
While the Air Force was teaching how to operate a computer, I met a girl they were teaching to be an accountant. Her name was Rachel Brown. She was from Jackson, TN.
We did exactly what common sense would tell any reasonable person NOT to do; we got married after knowing each other about four months.
And, no, Rachel wasn’t pregnant.
The Air Force sent us to England for two years. Our son, Joshua Burney Balog, was born there.
The Air Force sent us to Dover, Delaware.
The month before I was discharged from the service, Rachel asked me to move out. There’s a long, complicated story there I’m not willing to publish.
We stayed married for another two years, but ended it.
The end of this part of the story is that 20 years later, inspired by our son’s first engagement, we started really talking to each other again. Now, my current wife, Mary, and I consider Rachel and her fourth husband, Michael, friends.
Next up, life as an unemployed Art Education Major at Delaware State.